USTA National Tennis Rating Program: 4.0 NTRP level – Male tennis player

USTA National Tennis Rating Program: 4.0 NTRP level – Male tennis player

#USTA National Tennis Rating Program (‘NTRP”)
Level-by-level informational videos for the recreational tennis player.
In this video, watch a 4.0 male #tennis player demonstrate groundstrokes, volleys, overheads and serves. NTRP is a classification system that identifies and describes general characteristics of tennis-playing ability from 1.0 (beginner) to 7.0 (touring pro). Within each #NTRP level, tennis ability varies. Learn more at

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  1. I played High School Varsity Tennis and I was better than this. Don’t get me wrong, the guy is good but his movements seems stiff and forced. My coach would always repeat "relaxed fluidity with power". That was our one goal. Form over everything. Background. I played table tennis for 3 years before playing tennis so that had a somewhat carried over for tactics and nerves but not technique and stance. That took repetition and repetition to become decent at.

  2. Lol why did they pick this guy. I mean, he may very well be a 4.0 (since rating is about your ability to win), but his technique is far from normal.

  3. First off, with all due respect to this guy I’d put my money on the 3.5 in the other video. With that said, if these are true ratings than everyone in my area are tanking. The average 3.5’s are far better and the 4.0’s would win in lopsided blow-outs.

  4. Hell no. He is not a 4.0. Did that old man bribe you to use him as a 4.0? His serve is horrible and scared to use an overhead smash when the ball is hit over his head, but reachable to smash. Looks like a weak 3.0 and I’m being generous.

  5. I look at these rating videos and reckon I am a 4.0 to 4.5. Then I watch some of the match videos and the 4.0 players would beat me easily!

  6. How can we get graded, because I feel like I should be a 3-3.5 and I’m playing better than this example of a 4.

  7. The biggest ‘weird’ component is his left side and arm are almost never really ‘engaged’. Even after his serve toss, his lets his left side wither. FH and BH both start with the racket head DOWN all the way. Combined with the dead left side, it has a strange look. But if you can do it consistently and make the ball go over and land where you need it to consistently…you can be a 4,0

  8. How can this guy be a 4.0?, his techinique us not even close to sound.., whereas a 4.5 player is one that has sound techinque.., there is not jyst one level beetwheen this guy and a 4.5.., any thoughts?

  9. All those things are true for a 4.0 player, but the guy in the video is not 4.0. His skill set is horrible. The serve, the volleys, nope.

  10. I’ve been under the impression that I’m a 3.5 player, but with no disrespect to the gentleman in the video, I believe I could beat a player with his abilities, if I wasn’t rushing everything and in a super bad day… I’ve uploaded a video of a few plays for my coach to see, but he doesn’t really use a NTRP grade evaluation, so if anyone could give me an opinion on what level I best would fit on, I’d appreciate it a lot. (trolls and random negative comments are dispensable, but valid criticism is very much appreciated)

  11. Fun video, nice ground strokes, looks like he has good conditioning . We can not see our racquet drop motion when we serve, that is why it is problematic . When he waves his arm like that he thinks he is doing a racquet drop behind his back. I did a video of my serve once and said "who is this guy, he is so slow and why is he doing a pancake serve"?

  12. WRONG video!!! The guy show here is NOT a 4.0 player. It appears that you have the wrong video posted for this. This player has groundstrokes and volleys that appeared to be 3.5 strokes. His serve looks to be between a 3.0 & 3.5 level. This video does not match the verbal description for this level

    OTOH, the guy shown on your 3.5 video looks MUCH better than this guy. The guy in that video has 4.0 serves and groundstrokes that could be 4.0 or higher. THE VIDEOS HAVE OBVIOUSLY BEEN SWAPPED. PLS CORRECT THIS OVERSIGHT

  13. This guy would for sure win his first and likely second service game against me because I’d be doubled over in laughter.

  14. He looks like a player that hasn’t taken many lessons but plays a lot with his buddies at the local club.

  15. What about me?. My first serve is inconsistance . But strong. And second serve is not so slow speed but still inconsistantπŸ˜…

  16. What people need to understand is rating is the probability of winning match, not how beautiful your strokes look like.

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