1. People have to realise that women’s football is dire.
    A quality pub side would beat most female national squads on Sunday morning after a late night boozing session.

  2. She has 16million followers, is a model and is a professional footballer, guarentee’d millionaire. Obviously she wouldn’t sell herself regardless of her dignity or personality, she could make that money in less than 60 minutes with pride. Why the fuck would she be a whore for it, regardless of dignity or personality?

  3. She’s Adorable and have MAGNIFICENT SKILLS… YOU GO GIRL AND GOD BLESS YOU TOO AS WELL!!! πŸ™πŸΏ πŸ™ŒπŸΏ ❀️ πŸ’– πŸ’› πŸ‘€πŸ’―πŸ˜‡

  4. thats not true, everybody has a price to get naked, hers just might 100 million not 100 thousand🀣🀣🀣

  5. "nobody wants to date her…. back together with other guy and drake offered $$$ to just meet". Makes no sense, sounds like people are interested? brain dead content.

    – good of her to decline adult industries though

  6. And once again the actual problem is men sexualizing women. Now she’s "good" and "has self respect" because she doesn’t do these things. Why are you guys not holding other men accountable for their actions disrespecting women? Drake basically wanted to pay to date her (and do whatever with her) as if she’s an object. Men start respecting women too and start holding men accountable for their actions!

  7. Is turning down doing corn for $100k really a big accomplishment if you’re already rich and successful?

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