Legendary Goalkeeper Performances
Watch these legendary goalkeeper performances that left fans in awe. From acrobatic saves to game-changing plays, these goalkeepers are true legends of the game!
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As asboriyh ford mye esestimes
Faltou o do Ceni
Cheers for an hommage to goalkeepers. If you make another one, please consider Tim Krul vs Tottenham, 13/14 season I think it was. Insane performance
Forster vs Barca & the greatest keeper performance ever – Karius vs Liverpool CL final
Ceni x Universidad Catolica, maior atuação q já vi de um goleiro
Neuer’s performance against Algeria and Courtois’ performance against Liverpool were absolutely next-level.
Hart completely shutting down prime Messi and Neymar in prime Barcelona is crazy
Might add tim howard vs belgium 2014?
go terste
I missed having these kind of videos on my algorithmn
Goalkeepers in fc25
You could do Rui Patricio 2016 euro final agaisnt france
Neuer’s sweeper keeper performance is legendary and was so ground breaking for the position…
Rogério Ceni vs U. Católica. The European don’t know what is a goalkeeper.
1:43 if Courtois perfomed like that in this seasom
cássio 2012 vs chelsea!!
Boruc vs Austria Euro 2008
Cassio vs Chelsea merecia demais estar aí, e eu nem torço para o Corinthians.
That Neuer vs. Porto match in ’08, my god, what a performance.
If I was any one of these Goalkeepers, I’d sue my entire defense line bruh
surely there is a better game than the 4-0 lost to liverpool to show a casillas masterclass
Courtois vs Brazil best ever
For a 2nd part, Jan Oblak vs Liverpool was impressive
Izzo was quite good in that Melbourne Victory vs Melbourne City game, although A league is at a lower level compared to whatever’s in stock in Europe.
The first is Buffon, the second is Casilias, and then all the others.
Defo missed Fraser Forster at Celtic vs Barcelona in 2012. Messi himself says its the best goalkeeper performance against them.
Fraser Forster vs Barcelone is the best ever
Should have done Kasey Keller’s performance vs Brazil back in the late 90s. Unlike Howard’s performance, we actually won the match.
Areaola vs Germany… You’re video is worthless.
Neuer vs Algeria was so crazy because you had never previously seen a keeper play like that. In the modern game, you often see Keepers come out to clear balls before the attackers can reach them and it literally all started with that game. As crazy as the other performances all are, none of them literally just changed the way the game was played because of how good his style was.
Keylor Navas vs Netherlands !
That Neuer foot stop against Porto in 2008 has to be the most insane save I have ever seen
Where is Čech
Hart played aggressive. Exactly how it should be done.
legendry neur
Where is Karius Vs Real Madrid 😢
No jogo entre Alemanha e Argélia na copa de 2014 o goleiro da Argélia pegou muito mais bola do que o Neuer
de gea <3
To be a united keeper today,
U have to do this every game
Sorry onana 😂
Kahn WC 2002.
Which game? All of them.
Germany was in a low form. They only made it into the final because of him.
Best player of the Tournament.
Germany had the easiest group ever (Ireland, Saudi and Cameroon) and managed to draw against Ireland.
They scored 3 goals in the knockout phase… one each game.
And Kahn only received 3 goals all tournament.
One from ireland and 2 after literally having a broken finger and continuing to play against the greatest team of that era (maybe ever)
He truly is and always was "Der Titan"!
neuer against porto is out of this world, the best that has ever existed
Eduard mendy Chelsea 21-22 must be here
i really in love with reflex neuer had
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Diego Costa vs Slovakia
Curtouis vs stuggart
Martinez vs France
Curtouis vs Liverpool
Now a day yuh need a clutch performance call courtois as a barca fan hate the guy but unbiasly the man is the shit especially in clutch moments when you need him most