How to Read a Defense | A Guide to the Basics of Football Coverage

How to Read a Defense | A Guide to the Basics of Football Coverage

Terms discussed: man, mirror technique, off man, press man, zone, coverage shells, cover 2, cover 3, cover 6, cover 7, man-match, pattern-match, rip/liz, greendog blitz, man free

The offseason is in full swing which gives us plenty of time to distract ourselves with any scraps of football we can cling to. For this offseason, the main distraction will be coverage concepts.

Coverage is one of the most important aspects of football but due to generally awful camera angles, most fans aren’t encouraged, or often even able, to get the full scope of what’s happening on the field.

The goal of this upcoming video series is to solve some of these issues. To get into the nitty-gritty of what football coverages are like and how Florida State Defensive Coordinator Adam Fuller uses them in his scheme.

So to start things off there needs to be a primer. This primer needs to not only educate viewers about the differences between coverage families but also how to identify them using the generally awful angles you get watching the game from home. Then it should explain how the offense can attack those coverages and what modifications the defense needs to make to fill those gaps. Hopefully, this primer accomplishes those things.

Track Name: “Better Days”

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License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported “Share Alike” (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Music promoted by: Chill Out Records @ /


  1. I know the position ‘B’ refers to the strong safety, but what does the letter stand for terminologically? anywhere else they’re represented by SS.
    tried googling "what is B safety football" I got no good result.

  2. I covered Super Bowl 25 and I’ve watched football for decades. This is By Far the Best Masterclass on Defense I’ve ever seen. Congratulations !🏈

  3. This is very helpful. As a new fan from the UK it’s great to see videos like this to help me understand the more intricate side of the game

  4. I’m a fan of football and never played actual football in my life I’m studying and working out for the next season so I’m prepared and this helped very much thank you

  5. What is the first background song? I need to find it! It sounds soo amazing!❤ Also great video by the way! I love to learn more about my football

  6. Excellent video! I am a Louisville fan but got recommended this by YouTube. I enjoy seeing channels with people that are actually knowledgeable about the game and how it is supposed to be played and this appears to be one of these channels. I prefer these channels to the "homeboy" type channels where the person just beats their chest about their team or conference, screams into the mic, repeats what everyone else says, and shares little to no actual insight. I enjoy learning about the x’s and o’s of different sports and what it takes to actually play those sports at a high level. Thank you for making this video! It is one of the best general football educational/strategy videos that I have seen. Good luck to the Noles next season!

  7. Came here as a football fan expecting football tactics (soccer as the Americans call it) didn’t find exactly what I was looking for but I still learnt something

  8. I like press man coverage with a jam and the safeties helping…. but sometimes the talent isn’t there, or the numbers/ it a CB, or poor safety help. U also can’t always be in man. You must switch up to zone, and change up small things throughout the game. It’s also hard to play ANY defensive coverage with no good push from the D line. Which..leads to blitz, that leaves you with a bit disadvantage if you don’t get to the QB, or affect his throw.

  9. Best vids I’ve found to explain real life coverage and that I’ve you time to really look at what’s happening. I’m just a couple of minutes I at least half understood what was happening even with the mixed coverages when I saw the corner jamming on one side and playing off the receiver on the other. I just get confused about cover 2 and 4 and what each means lol. I can see what’s happening I just don’t know how to articulate it. Great shit man. Really enjoying learning this.

  10. I was good at this back then on Madden it’s been a long time. More experience playing Madden in the early 2000s

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