1. Awesome!! Made that beautiful baby feel soooo special and baby boy deserves it!!! Thanks you!!! I hope those other kids understand everyone needs to feel special even if they are just a lil bit different!!! Thank you young football star we need you to sign with the Ravens lol!!

  2. Funny how when they become grown ups it’s the SAME behavior: YOU are just living your life and you’re a nobody with maybe 30 followers on Instagram (mostly friends, coworkers, family).

    Then one day you make a hit single record, become a NFL, NBA superstar or a famous actor/actress. Now EVERYONE wants to be around you and your IG blows up with 1 million+ followers! Human beings are something else. πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

  3. As a father with a 11yr old autistic son, this made me cry because these children are so sweet and loving. Great job Travis!

  4. Didnt i see in a recent interview, that that football player ended up passing away or went to prison? Maybe its someone else, but swear i thought it was this guy…..regardless, awesome gesture by that guyβ€πŸ™

  5. The contrast in this kind act and the actions of us president elect trump is vast!…usa has lost its way.

  6. La amistad estΓ‘ sobrevalorada, es dificil de ganar y facil de perder, solo se hacen verdaderos amigos trΓ‘s muchos aΓ±os de conocimiento, y son mΓ‘s amigos por los defectos que les aceptas que por las virtudes que les encuentras.

  7. Isn’t this the guy. Whose ex-girlfriend got him caught up in a false m**der charge? He was acquitted. It’s just horrible something like that happened to such a kind heart

  8. This football player has this 77 year old man seeing this with tears in my eyes, so proud of him for being so kind and caring. He has a heart of gold πŸ’›.

  9. Im a hurricane fan and born and bred to hate everything FSU however I’d like to welcome Travis to a small prestigious group of noles that I actually like, cheer for and respect. The late great Bobby Bowden, Charlie Ward, Warrick Dunn and now Travis Rudolph. Well done young man, you are a Hero and the kingdom of Heaven awaits thee

  10. I’m crying. That’s what humanity and real influence does. It helps someone else. Both of those kids are amazing and thank you for some good news!

  11. Now i understand why its important for famous people to have TRUE friends and support instead of fake people who just like you because they seen you on TV .

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