1. A lot missing here. How about that huge comeback of WMU broncos over UT? Also WMU Broncos 2 trick plays against Purdue in the Motor City bowl. How about CMU trick play to upset OK State? Also Boise State trick play in a bowl game to beat OK

  2. man, my only exposure to american football is eyeshield 21 manga, its really amazing that the trick play on the manga really is something to find in the real game.

  3. Kickers scoring touchdowns are my favorite trick plays. It’s always fun watching a player that only ever kicks the ball to show their true athleticism every now and again.

  4. This _really_ represents why I came to love football *so much*: while it may seem like "just" a rough sports there’s actually _a lot_ of strategy involved as well; something which many of my friends totally manage to overlook (I’m from the Netherlands btw, football isn’t really a thing here).

  5. Like half of these have just been people actually playing it like a team sport and throwing the ball to each other.

  6. I’ll never forget that Boise St v Oklahoma Fiesta Bowl. That was before it was a little more common that G5 schools beat Power 5 teams in BCS Bowls. It was not common at all then, and this was what helped make Boise St into what they are today. I remember being in middle school and having to stay up late to watch it, and thinking how it was so cool that Ian Johnson proposed to a cheerleader after the game πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  7. The only reason he got away with the "not a fair catch call" is the penalties they leavy against the team or player for "late hits". You know he will never be able to pull that trick again. The next time he tries he’ll get hit hard.

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