How to Get Better at Rugby (Without Getting Better at Rugby) – RugbySlate Analysis

How to Get Better at Rugby (Without Getting Better at Rugby) – RugbySlate Analysis

How you can improve how you play Rugby with not actually getting any better at Rugby!

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  1. As a short perennially injured lump with no measurable ability I have played a lot of rugby by just remembering to go and do the next thing now as quick as possible and it always feels better than not being in the middle of everything. Helps being a forward where you can cause a bit of chaos by reducing oppositions options just being there in the way.

  2. Thoughtful, focused video; thank you. Your guidance — positional awareness and hard, consistent work away from the pitch — Is true for so much of life, as well.

  3. I play under 11s and all of my team goes into the ruck even the backs because everyone just wants the ball πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

  4. when I wa against a team who offloaded a lot so I just stayed in front of the opponents and i kept getting the ball to schoreπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  5. In the most simplistic form I agree with what you say in this video. However, I categorically disagree that just being fit is enough to be in the correct position. Game understanding, prediction, comprehension of where and why, observation and instinct combine to make where you should be second nature. Know more move less

  6. Thank you very much for your video, IΒ΄m 30 and starting rugby. In my current club well almost nobody whats to stop to explain me rugby playing the techniques. So IΒ΄m learning on youtube. What’s your advice?

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